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Create Campaign

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an email campaign for one or more senders to send to specific prospects or a list of contacts.

An email campaign is a sequence of marketing efforts that contacts multiple recipients simultaneously. Email campaigns are designed to reach out to prospects at the best time and provide valuable content and relevant offers. In addition, using email campaigns allows you to build deep and trusting relationships with your clients.

We invite you to visit the Playbook Library, where you can find playbooks on various topics to get your first campaign started. !To learn more, visit the tutorial!

Click on the Start button next to Create An Email Campaign on the main page.

A new page will appear, which will ask you to give a Campaign Name.

You can also create campaigns by going to the navigation menu on the left side or top of the page and clicking on Campaign - Add Campaign.

Write Campaign Emails

After the name of the campaign has been saved, it is time to create an email campaign. It is written in the Add Your Engagement section and contains several steps.

  • Start sending - here, select when you would like to send your campaign.

  • Engage Every - allows sending your campaign every three days, every week, every two weeks, or every month.

  • Engage At - select the correct timezone for your sender(s) to receive your campaign. If you have chosen to start sending the email campaign in the future, enter the date, select the time frame, and what days you would like to send the campaign.

  • Exit Criteria - there are the following options to exit or not receive emails.

  • Signature - you can create the signature, which will be added automatically for all the sent email campaigns. Click on Edit, and a new page will open to create the signature.

  • Unsubscribe Link

After the campaign parameters have been selected, it’s time to write the text of the email.

Click on the BIG plus sign.

A new page will appear, where you can write the text.

For services listed on top of the page, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., you can Add a Rule. When a prospect performs an action based on set rules, a task is created in the Task category for the sender. !Please refer to the Task Manager tutorial to learn more!

Notice that the Send as a field by default has A new email thread type.

When the text of the email is written and saved, it becomes listed as First Engagement. After the first one is saved, the tab to start the second engagement is automatically added to the list.

When creating a Second Engagement, you should pay attention to the Send as a field. It is either A reply to the email thread or A new email thread.

When the text for the second email is done, it will be saved as Second Engagement.

So, now there are two engagements in one campaign under the name 50% off on Tulips. The first engagement with the subject line Holiday Special and the second - Free delivery!

Each created Engagement has icons.

  • The first icon edits the post

  • The second one - deletes the post

  • The last icon duplicates the post. The same post is added next to the original one.

Add Your Email Recipients

The list of contacts who you would like to receive the campaign should be created or imported to your organization in the Add Your Audience section.

Contact - to add a new name manually. You only have to fill out the given fields. You decide what information to include in the contact’s profile.

There is an option to select a category for the contact. It helps to keep your contacts sorted, which in turn makes the process of managing the business easier. !Please refer to the Add Funnel tutorial to learn how to create and add categories!

Search - the second way is to search for contacts in your organization.

File - you can use the third way when trying to add many contacts. First, download the example spreadsheet and use it to add your contacts to the spreadsheet.

To upload many contacts, you must enter their first name, last name, email, phone number, company name, title, company URL, city, state, and country. Other fields are not mandatory.

You can add as many people as you want to your file, and they will be added as contacts to your organization.

Before the contacts get added, you will be able to preview the senders and ensure that all their information has been entered successfully.

Once contacts are added, you will see them listed in the List.

Here you can search for a contact, edit his details or remove it from the list.

Send Test Email

You are now ready to test your campaign by sending the emails (Engagements) to your email address. To do that, you need to click on the Preview section.

You can select the campaign sender, view the contacts, and view the post in this section. To send a test email in the Test Send box, you enter your email address, select the posts (Engagements) you would like to send, and click on the blue Test Send button.

You need to go back to the Add Your Engagement section and click on the Pencil icon of the engagement if you would like to edit your campaign.

Send Campaign To Your Contacts

When you are happy with your campaign and are ready to send it, click the blue Send button on the right top of the page in any section of the campaign.

In this tutorial, you learned how to write an email campaign, add the list of your audience and send the emails to them. Now, it’s your turn to create an email campaign.

Thank you for being with us!

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