Senders are members who send emails for your organization. They send their emails, or you can send emails for them. Adding a sender is easy with Sales Innovator, and Sales Innovator takes care of the invitation process and makes it easy for you to manage senders.
There are two types of senders: virtual senders who are virtual sales assistants who can send emails for you, with you controlling them, or real senders who are real people who can send their emails, or you can send emails for them.
To manage or add senders, you click on the Senders navigation link. This section is different from adding team members since it is only focused on managing your senders, and all team members and senders can see this section.
All senders who can send emails for your organization are listed in manage senders. When their email accounts are connected, their status is Ready. When invited, their status will be pending, and when they accepted the invitation, their status is accepted.
There are three ways to add a sender. The first way is to add the sender by entering their profile manually. You can decide if the sender is real or virtual before adding the sender. Once you add a sender as virtual, you cannot switch it back to real.
The second way is to search for members in your organization and add them as senders. You can also go to Members and switch the sender status to Yes.
When trying to add many senders, you can use the file option. First, download the example spreadsheet and use it to add your senders to the spreadsheet. I will show you how to upload and edit senders in bulk.
To upload many senders, you will need to enter their first name, last name, email, company name, company URL, and type as required fields. Other fields are not mandatory. The type field describes if the sender is a real or virtual one.
If you are using SMTP, you can enter the SMTP details for the sender, and Sales Innovator will connect the sender automatically. You can also enter a link to a sender profile picture and use the link to get the sender's picture. Uploading these added details will save you time when adding many senders.
You can add as many senders as you want to your spreadsheet, and they will be added as senders to your organization.
Before the senders get added, you will be able to preview the senders and ensure that all their information has been entered succesfully.
Once senders are added, you will see them listed in the managed senders and the member's section. You can also view their profile data and see if it is correct.
By clicking on the action button, you manage your senders by editing their profile, deleting the sender, connecting their email account, or refreshing their email account's connection to make sure it is valid.
If you need to make changes to the profile, you can edit the profile and update their contact information. The contact information will be shown in email and landing page personalization, so make sure it is correctly entered.
If a sender has not connected their email account, you can connect their email account for them, or each sender can connect their account.
You can also verify if an account is connected by clicking refresh, and Sales Innovator will notify you if an account is succesfully connected. Now that you are connected, your sender is ready to start sending emails for all your senders.